Friday, March 19, 2010

Um, I dont like douchebags :p

So, I'm sitting around in me ever so boring life, thinking, and I realize, I really hate douchebags, especially in WoW, when your in a group for a dungeon, and just based on your gear alone, they call you out and say you suck, then leave the group. No fun :///

Anyway, not to get your empathy or anything, I really just dont like jerks in WoW. I mean, I understand is a low level asks you for help and your busy, so you say you can't help. But, lets not just be plain mean to the new players. Now, I'm not telling you to go around giving out free gold(but that is rather nice :)) Im just saying that we all should be generally nicer to people in WoW. Think back to when you first started playing, now, unless you have a friend, or sibling, that played before you, you probably didn't know a whole lot about the World of Warcraft. So, when someone asks you for help, or advice, I think we should give it to them, unless of course, your doing something of greater importance.

Also, don't shoot people down in dungeons or raids just based on their gear. I think everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, who knows, maybe they will turn out to be a really great player.(World of Warcraft player that it, not the player player ;)) Till next time,


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